Where Quality and Service is
What We Do
Wood Repair Northwest, LLC is a family-owned Portland based business, established in 2010 and born out of its owners’ passion for all things wood. Andy Jensen has been working with wood since high school and has spent the last decade building Wood Repair Northwest into a business that provides top tier wood repair, refinishing, and restoration services, offering two diverse and complementary service channels: Disaster restoration and Case Goods Repair, Restoration and Maintenance

At Wood Repair Northwest, LLC we begin and end each project with customer satisfaction as our number one goal. Whether you are homeowner or businessowner dealing with water or fire damaged woodwork, or you are looking for a way to preserve and protect your businesses wood finishes, the Wood Repair Northwest, LLC team is here to help. Our technicians are trained in a diverse range of woodworking skill sets that include cabinet construction, wood repair & refinishing, furniture repair, precision touch-ups, and more.